Senter De Mès

Senter De Mès

Depart from the start of Trail 508 near San Lucio then go on through the woods. The Senter De Mès extends mostly within the forest and includes crossing a small bridge.


Route Description

Behind the Chiesetta di San Lucio begins the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) Trail 508 that climbs towards Pianone and Pizzo Formico. Take the path that immediately enters the forest and, after a short ascent, travel along a wider dirt road for a few minutes. At the first fork, take the path to the left that goes up amongst the fir trees. The deviation here is not signposted but is recognisable by the fact that going straight ahead, you will come across a red and white bar whilst to the right, you will spot signs for Pizzo Formico. Continuing along the path through the forest, after about five minutes you come out in a meadow, from where you follow the signs for the Sentiero delle Ore.  Shortly afterwards, you come to a small signpost for the Senter De Mès before turning left and continuing into the hollow. After a few minutes of walking through the forest, cross a narrow iron bridge leading to the other side. From here, you continue uphill until you come to a wider path. Here, there are two choices: 1. If you continue to the left uphill, the path joins back up with Path 508 then takes the Sentiero delle Ore. It is then possible to make a circuitous route down towards San Lucio. 2. Another option is to climb up to Path 508 and, keeping to the right, go as far as Pianone. 3. If you opt for the downhill route, you will reach the small lake of Isola Felice – “Happy Island” – in the municipality of Rovetta in about 50 minutes.


  • Starting point: behind the Oratorio Montano San Lucio
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Difference in altitude: approx. 60 metres
  • Time: 15–25 minutes starting from San Lucio
  • Distance: 500 metres/1.2 kilometres starting from San Lucio

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